Thursday, October 7, 2010

Web Picks

Assignment: Webpicks Blog Post
Due date: Friday, October 8, 2009, 3:30 PM
Go back to a Communication Arts Webpicks that interests you to make a blog post about. Be sure to click on the provided link to see the whole website and not just the description on
Include in the report: 1. Name of the article
·         The Secret Annex Online
2. Main points about the article
·         3D tour of Anne Frank’s Hideout
·         Site allows people to see ALL of the rooms, and the furniture that was there during WWII.
·         The actual building in Amsterdam does not contain authentic furniture and does not allow you to enter certain rooms.
·         The actual museum has an occupational limit that only allows a small amount of people into the building at one time.
·         An audio introduction plays for each room as it is entered to give the visitor background information.
·         Furnished rooms based on pictures taken during Anne Frank’s hideout during WWII.
3. What did you find most interesting about the article?
·         I found the fact that it has images of what the rooms really looked like when Anne Frank was there. It opens my eyes to what the room really looks like, because there is no way I am going to go to Amsterdam anytime soon to see the house if it has no furniture in it. I read her diary, and this helps me visualize what she was talking about. The image I had in my head while reading the book was way off.
4. What did you find that you can use for a future project? (i.e., Photoshop technique, Flash animation technique, pleasing design interface inspirational images, etc.)
·         Interactive abilities
·         Use images and combine them at angles to create a space, instead of creating each individual piece by “hand”.
5. Please include the URL to the specific article in your report, as well as the URL that the article is about (one is from the blog writer, the other about the site)

Available from:
Wednesday, October 6, 2009, 3:30 PM
Due date:
Friday, October 8, 2009, 3:30 PM

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