Thursday, October 14, 2010

Logo Design

Due date: Friday, October 15, 2010, 3:30 PM
Go to the link below and read up on the history of 4 different logos. In the text field below, write down 2 interesting bullet points about each logo.
Take a screen capture of each logo, paste it into Photoshop, crop it, flatten it and save it as a jpg in your “Writing Prompts” folder in your “My Documents”
Save your prompt in your “My Documents” folder, in the “Writing Prompts” folder, located in your D.A.M.M. folder
Copy and paste your comments as a new blog post, and insert the logo samples in between the comments about each logo.

MTV Logo:              

  • The first design of the MTV logo was so bad, that it “never saw the light of day”.
  • The new logo, which has been around for as long as MTV has been around was designed so that its color schemes and artistic characters could be changed to match the musical time period and channel content.

Burger King Logo:

·         The Burger King logo started out as a simple top bun, then words, then bottom bun.
·         Now it has a blue swirl and smoother appearance, and round tipped words in order to create a clean cut and contemporary look.

Dove Logo:

  • Logo contains a dove in remembrance of its original purpose of using the soap for military purposes.
  • The Dove represents peace and honor, hence the military remembrance.
  • Logo has a clean and fresh look, much like their soap/body wash/shampoo/conditioner, which I am a proud user of. J

Google Logo:

  • Its main font is the bubble like font with a shadow in the background (the top logo).
  • Google uses various variations of its main font to celebrate different people in history and events around the world.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Photo Blog Post

 Due date: Friday, October 15, 2009, 03:35 PM
Make a blog post today about any photographer from the Photography Links on this page (in yellow). Spend a little time checking out the sites, select one, and then make a post that includes a photo or two, clear links from the site you visited (copied and pasted into your blog) and text formatting, etc.What does the photo “say to you?”
What appeals to you about how this photographer approaches his subject matter (that which he/she takes pictures of).
Then make comments on some of your classmates' blogs, to create a series of “threaded discussions” on one-another’s blogsMake sure to copy and paste your URL into the Comment section of the Contact page on


This photo says "survival" to me. It is a rugged, relying on our environment and the natural world in order to survive type of image. I like the messy feel of the left side, and the wondering feel of the right side. It gives it a "free-bird spirit" feel to it. Like, someone who lives day to day, and relies on their given resources to survive. The photographer chose the perfect lighting for these images. It isn't posed looking, like he took time to set it up. The contrast is perfect too. The light neutral colors emphasizes the naturalness of the area.

This image makes me feel like I have traveled back in time. Back to when royalty would have walked these halls, and peasants waited by the gates of this grand building in hopes of catching a glimpse of the upper class people that made their living by attending exquisite assemblies that could have been held here. I like the high contrast of the image that the photographer used. It gives it a more antique feel to it.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Comparing Best Buy & Apple

Due date: Friday, October 8, 2010, 3:30 PM
Best Buy and Apple are two stores that sell electronics, but each has their own approach to presenting their products. Respond to the two prompts below, save them in you’re My Documents/Writing Assignments folder and then make a new blog entry for today, by copying and pasting it into your blog, with the Title ”Comparing Best Buy & Apple”:
1.   First, write a few sentences about what makes Best Buy different from The Apple Store (the physical stores), particularly about how they are arranged and what the process of buying a product looks like.

·         Best Buy stores are in the warehouse style. They have tons of items for sale, and people are constantly walking around and asking you if you need help. It is a friendly, “anybody can use technology” sort of environment that screams store.
·         The Apple stores are in a large white, clean cut room. It is lined with glass cases and modern furniture/counters. It has a really professional feel to it. It is also really interactive when it comes to testing out the technological products. It is more like an internet cafĂ© minus the coffee than a store. The employees walk around to monitor people, they also come up and chat with you and tell help you figure out how to do things efficiently. They let you use their computers to v-chat, and upload videos on video websites. It is VERY crowded on the weekends. It is a really fun place to go to if you like technology.      

2.   Then go to both and and write at least 5 differences that you see in the way that the online stores are organized and designed.

·         Best Buy online looks like any other electronics store.
·         Apple looks sleek and professional.
·         Apple only sells Apple Products, but has an extensive collection of those products.
·         Apple allows you to buy EVERYTHING online.
·         Best Buy only sells certain things online.
·         Apple has a section for each product and its accessories and a gliding feel to when you look at images of products.
·         Best Buy also has a lot of moving ads that distract the buyer from the products on the page.
·         Best Buy images are really pixilated, and in an inventory style.
·          Apple’s products are in a cubed setting for viewing multiple products at once.

Available from:
Thursday, October 7, 2010, 08:45 AM
Due date:
Friday, October 8, 2010, 2009, 3:30 PM

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Web Picks

Assignment: Webpicks Blog Post
Due date: Friday, October 8, 2009, 3:30 PM
Go back to a Communication Arts Webpicks that interests you to make a blog post about. Be sure to click on the provided link to see the whole website and not just the description on
Include in the report: 1. Name of the article
·         The Secret Annex Online
2. Main points about the article
·         3D tour of Anne Frank’s Hideout
·         Site allows people to see ALL of the rooms, and the furniture that was there during WWII.
·         The actual building in Amsterdam does not contain authentic furniture and does not allow you to enter certain rooms.
·         The actual museum has an occupational limit that only allows a small amount of people into the building at one time.
·         An audio introduction plays for each room as it is entered to give the visitor background information.
·         Furnished rooms based on pictures taken during Anne Frank’s hideout during WWII.
3. What did you find most interesting about the article?
·         I found the fact that it has images of what the rooms really looked like when Anne Frank was there. It opens my eyes to what the room really looks like, because there is no way I am going to go to Amsterdam anytime soon to see the house if it has no furniture in it. I read her diary, and this helps me visualize what she was talking about. The image I had in my head while reading the book was way off.
4. What did you find that you can use for a future project? (i.e., Photoshop technique, Flash animation technique, pleasing design interface inspirational images, etc.)
·         Interactive abilities
·         Use images and combine them at angles to create a space, instead of creating each individual piece by “hand”.
5. Please include the URL to the specific article in your report, as well as the URL that the article is about (one is from the blog writer, the other about the site)

Available from:
Wednesday, October 6, 2009, 3:30 PM
Due date:
Friday, October 8, 2009, 3:30 PM

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Web Pretest

Due date: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 03:30 PM
In a word document, write answers to the following questions.
You are welcome to use any resources on the internet to find the answers:

1. What does HTML stand for?
  • Hyper Text Markup Language.
2. What does CSS stand for?
  • Cascading Style Sheets.
3. What is a Blog and what is the word Blog short for?
  • A shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies.
  • It is short for “weblog”.
4. List three websites that will host a blog for free

5. What does HTTP stand for?
  • Hyper text transfer protocol
6. What does WYSIWYG stand for and what does it mean?
  • What you see is what you get
  • relating to or being a word processing system that prints the text exactly as it appears on the computer screen
7. What does URL stand for?
  • Uniform Resource Locator
8. When (roughly) did the internet start?
  • Early 1990s.
9. What are three of the most-visited websites on the internet?

10. Download a picture of Bill Gates getting pied in the face and drop it into the word document.